Research has shown that massage therapy can be very effective in treating many conditions such as back/neck pain, severe burns, fibromyalgia, allergies, autism, depression, ADHD, speed healing, decrease anxiety and improve mood/sense of well-being among other things.
How can it do all these things? For starters, it increases bloodflow which can improve all other bodily functions. Especially, aiding in brain function, memory, mood and wound healing by increasing oxygen to body tissues/cells by way of increased bloodflow. Then, it aids in proper removal of cell waste, proper function of the lymph system as well as removal of lactic acid from injured/sore muscles. These body processes mentioned are all accelerated by the techniques of therapeutic massage.
Studies have shown that massage relieves back pain better that narcotics and with much fewer side effects. In many cases, massage that is described as "medical massage" can be prescribed by a doctor and many insurances will cover all of some of the cost. There is definitely something 'healing' about physical touch. Especially if it is done using specific, proven methods by trained professionals.
Just think, better health and freedom from pain without drugs! It's possible through massage therapy and more specifically, medical massage. If you have a chronic/painful condition that you think may be relieved by massage, ask your primary care physician for a referral and prescription for drug free relief!