According to, aloe (often called aloe vera) produces two substances, gel and latex, which are used for medicines. Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Aloe latex comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in color. Some aloe products are made from the whole crushed leaf, so they contain both gel and latex. The aloe that is mentioned in the Bible is an unrelated fragrant wood used as incense.
It has been said that this plant taken medicinally, can help treat or even cure everything from skin irritations such as sunburn or psoriasis to gastrointestinal conditions, arthritis or even diabetes. It is sold in several different forms in pharmacies, grocery and health food stores without a prescription. So, you would think that because it is natural and so easy to obtain it would be totally safe and effective. Yes and no. As with anything, educate yourself with the proper way to take it and in what dose and no the side effect (nearly everything has so kind of possible side effects).
For example, aloe latex taken by mouth in large doses can be harmful even though this plant in general has shown evidence of beneficial uses for centuries. Aloe latex is found in many laxatives and with frequent use of any laxative the need for it's use seems to increase creating a vicious cycle for increasing the dose and continue constipation. This caused a growing concern for the FDA who believed that aloe latex at high levels could contribute to the development of cancer. Also, aloe latex is hard on the kidneys and could lead to serious kidney disease and even death.
For casual use it has shown to been very effective in decreasing bacteria and fungi which can treat skin conditions and has even been known to cause changes in the skin itself.
For more on proper use, dosages, possible side effects and interactions go to webmd and read the full article at this link