Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Big Itch:Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac

Beware! Foliage that reeks havoc
can be in your own back yard!
Spring and summer are
seasons for beautifying
our lawns.
While doing yard work
you may find different
looking plants or vines
that you think are just
weeds. Before pulling them
up with your bare hands,
make sure it's not  something
that will have you scratching
for days to come!

The aspect of all 3 of these plants that cause
irritation, allergic reaction and the rash
that brings on the miserable itching
is the oils that these plants leave on
the skin after touching it. If not washed off
asap, it can cause a pustule type rash.
The rash itself is not contagious but
the transfer of the oil that causes it
can cause a rash in other areas or
other people.
Educating yourself on how to recognize
these plants, covering extremities and
wearing gloves while working in possible
infested areas and quickly washing yourself
and your clothing after possible contact
will give the best protection against
affliction these plants can cause!
For more information follow the link below