Monday, July 7, 2014

E Cig-Smoking Alternative

Are E-Cigarettes a good alternative
to traditional smoking or a danger
to health?
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) were
introduced to the market in 2004
by Chinese Druggist Hon Lik.
What are they...exactly?
E-cigs are battery operated, electronic inhalant devices
that produces heat and contains a cartridge full of
chemicals such as propylene glycol, nicotine and tetramethylpyrazine. 
These chemicals are advertised to be non-carcinogenic which is means
not cancer forming.
But, does that mean they aren't harmful?
It may not cause cancer but nicotine has been proven to be damaging
to the heart. Prolonged exposure to tetramethylpyrazine
can cause brain damage in humans. Another chemical
called diethylene glycol, which is a component of
anit-freeze, has been found in the flameless smokes!
Recent reports prove that certain flavors of the
e-cig can be extremely harmful to children
who are exposed to its vapors.