Sunday, May 18, 2014

Go with your gut! The Latest in Medical Science

Evidently, our guts can tell us a lot!
Researchers are now saying that more than just instinct
about our current situation, they can tell us how healthy or
unhealthy we are, what is wrong and possibly
how to heal it!
It's called bacterial flora and it exists on our skin and in our intestines.
It protects us from harmful bacteria when in balance. Out of balance,
our flora can wreck havoc on our bodies, disrupt digestion and slow
 healing. Many experience distress after a regimen of strong
antibiotics in the form of diarrhea or vaginal yeast infection. This is a
 result of  the good bacteria that balances the body is killed along with the
 bad bacteria that is causing the infection.
Like fingerprints, we all have a different flora balance. Now, it seems that
this bacterial schematic we each have tells a lot about us. It is possible that
the right combination of "microbiome" (bacteria soup so to speak) could
be the recipe for making drugs to treat inflammatory disease,
autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety.
There is already a procedure called fecal implantation used to treat
Crohn's Disease by taking stool samples from a person with healthy
flora and implanting it into the colon of a person with Crohn's.
The thinking is that the foreign flora will shock the system, cause the
immune response to react and change it's 'recipe' to a more health combination.
This healthier combination would thus decrease inflammation by disrupting
the process of the disease.
This research is very exciting for those suffering with diseases and
chronic conditions that have few effective medications as treatment.